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성매개감염 진료지침
(2016, 제2판)
질병관리본부 · 대한요로생식기감염학회 공동발간
서문 (Introduction)
성매개감염 역학 (Epidemiology of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Korea)
성매개감염 역학 (Epidemiology of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Korea)
증상 또는 증후군에 따른 진료 (Syndromic Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections)
증상 또는 증후군에 따른 진료 (Syndromic Management)
진료 흐름도 (Algorithms for the Managment)
검사실 진단 (Laboratory Diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Infections)
검사실 진단 (Laboratory Diagnosis)
성매개감염 질환별 진료지침 (Management and Treatment of Specific Infections)
매독 (Syphilis)
임균감염증 (Gonococcal Infections, Gonorrhea)
클라미디아감염증 (Chlamydial Infections)
성기단순포진 (Genital Herpes)
첨규콘딜롬 (Condyloma Accuminata)
연성하감 (Chancroid)
질염 (Vaginitis)
사면발이 (Pediculosis pubis, Public Lice)
옴 (Scabies)