비뇨의학과 전공의를 위한 핸드북 ver. 2.0
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발행년도: 2018 / Edition: 02 / 코드: KUA-01-2018-03 / 학회명: 대한비뇨기과학회
서문 (Preface)
본문 (Contents)
- 1. 기본 order
- 1.1 Order의 기본형식
- 1.2 Order 넣기의 순서
- 1.3 자주 실수하는 order
- 1.4 Admission order
- 1.5 기본 Lab. & Study
- 1.6 Bowel Preparation order
- 1.7 Preoperative order
- 1.8 Postoperative order
- 2. Kidney & Ureter
- 3. Bladder
- 4. Prostate
- 5. Urethra & Penis
- 6. Scrotum & Testis
- 7. Female Urology
- 8. 기타 Image study & Lab.
- 8.1 기타 Image study
- 8.2 기타 Lab.
- 1. stone
- 2. Acute urinary retention (AUR)
- 2.1 정의 및 위험인자
- 2.2 응급치료
- 2.3 예후
- 2.4 AUR ER note
- 3. Acute scrotum
- 3.1 정의 및 감별진단:
- 3.2 임상적 특징
- 3.3 치료
- 3.4 Acute scrotum ER noste
- 4. Trauma(Kidney, Ureter, Bladder, Urethral injury, Testis injury, Penile fracture)
- 4.1 Renal injury:
- 4.2 Ureteral injury
- 4.3 Bladder injury
- 4.4 Urethral injury
- 4.5 Testis injury
- 4.6 Penile fracture
- 5. Infection
- 6. 기타 질환
- 6.1 Priapism
- 6.2 Balanoposthitis
- 6.3 Paraphimosis
- 1. 외래 술기
- 1.1 Wound Dressing
- 1.2 직장수지검사 및 전립선마사지검사
- 1.3 야간음경발기능검사 NPT test (Nocturnal Penile Tumescence test)
- 1.4 체외충격파쇄석술 ESWL (Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy
- 1.5 초음파 Ultrasonography
- 1.6 방광내시경 Cystoscopy
- 1.7 요도확장술 Urethral dilatation
- 1.8 요역동학검사 UDS (UroDynamicStudy)
- 1.9 Urethral catheter insertion
- 1.10 Combined intracavernous injection and stimulation test
- 2. 외래 수술
- 2.1 Suprapubic Cystostomy
- 2.2 TRUS guided Bx
- 2.3 Testicular Biopsy
- 2.4 Sperm Extraction
- 2.5 Circumcision
- 2.6 Vasectomy
- 2.7 Ureteral catheterization
- 2.8 Ureteral catheter change
- 3. 영상검사
- 1. Fluid, Diet & neutritional support
- 1.1 Fluid
- 1.2 Neutritional support & Diet
- 2. ARF & Postobstructive diuresis
- 2.1 ARF
- 2.2 Post-obstruction diuresis
- 3. Electrolyte imbalance
- 4. Bowel problem-ileus, constipation, diarrhea
- 5. Hematuria & proteinuria
- 5.1 Hematuria
- 5.2 Proteinuria
- 6. Transfusion
- 7. Respiratory care
- 8. Circulatory care
- 8.1 Dopamine: dose dependent agent
- 8.2 Dobutamine
- 8.3 Levophed
- 9. DM medication
- 9.1 Surgical DM diet
- 9.2 수술전 혈당 조절
- 9.3 경구 혈당강하제 치료
- 9.4 Sliding scale
- 1. BPH & 배뇨장애 약물
- 1.1 α1 adrenergic antagonist (α-blocker)
- 1.2 5-alpha reductase inhibitor (5ARI)
- 1.3 anticholinergics & β3-agonist
- 1.4 Anti-diuretic hormone - Desmopressin
- 1.5 Phytotherapeutic agent
- 1.6 Cholinergics
- 1.7 Pentosan polysulphate sodium (PPS): Elmiron 100mg (펜폴)
- 1.8 Imipramin (Tofranil)-TCA(삼환계 항우울제): 요실금 및 야뇨증
- 1.9 Uro-vaxom (면역증강제)
- 2. ED & PE약물
- 3. 방광내 주입 및 주사약물
- 1. 항생제 사용법 요약
- 2. 항생제 사용 용량
- 3. 12세 이하 UTI 항생제 사용법
- 4. 신기능에 따른 용량 조정 (Ref> 2013 EAU guideline)
- 5. Asymptomatic bacteriuria
- 6. Uncomplicated UTI
- 7. Complicated UTI in DM
- 8. Complicated UTI associated with Foley catheter
- 9. Complicated UTI associated with urinary tract obstruction
- 10. Prostatitis
- 11. Urethritis
- 12. Syphilis
- 13. Chancroid
- 14. Simple genital herpes
- 15. Condylomata acuminata (Genital warts)
- 16. Genitourinary Abscess
- 16.1 Emphysematous pyelonephritis
- 16.2 Renal abscess
- 16.3 Prostate abscess
- 17. Orchitis & epididymitis
- 17.1 Orchitis
- 17.2 epididymitis
- 18. Others
- 18.1 Tuberculosis
- 18.2 Fourniers gangrene
- 18.3 Fungal infection
- 19. 임신중 항생제 사용
- 20. 예방적 항생제의 사용